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Look for the Good® School Program

A Trauma-Informed Community-Care Program For Elementary Schools

Look for the Good® School Program

A Trauma-Informed Community-Care Program For Elementary Schools

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Watch a 3-minute overview about our popular school-wide program.

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A Program For The Whole Community

After four years of research on stress, we've expanded our two week school program into a year-long initiative which includes:

  • A two-week school-wide gratitude campaign including materials for every student in your school
  • 10 months of optional video lessons on kindness and emotion regulation
  • And a week-long bonus program!
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A Program For The Whole Community

After four years of research on stress, we've expanded our two week school program into a year-long initiative which includes:

A two-week school-wide gratitude campaign including materials for every student in your school

10 months of optional video lessons on kindness and emotion regulation

And a week-long bonus program!

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For 10+ Years, We've Helped Kids...

For 10+ Years

We've Helped Kids:

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We Ship Enough Supplies For All of Your Students

We provide program materials for up to 960 students for no extra cost.

  • Sticky Notes & Kindness Cards for every student
  • Gratitude Spots to decorate the hallways
  • Signage, Campaign Planner & More!

Our online video portal allows student leaders to run the school-wide initiative themselves! 

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We Ship Enough Supplies For All of Your Students

We provide program materials for up to 960 students for no extra cost.


Sticky Notes & Kindness Cards for every student


Gratitude Spots to decorate the hallways


Signage, Campaign Planner & More!


Our online video portal allows student leaders to run the school-wide initiative themselves! 

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Ten Months of Emotional Literacy

After the two week gratitude campaign, classroom teachers can opt into 10 months of video lessons to help kids apply the look for the good mindset to stressful emotions. We recommend kicking off this part with Wiggle Warrior® Week. Wiggle Warrior® Week is 5 days of video programming which teaches kids how to wiggle their stress into strength. 

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Reframe Stress

To reinforce learning after Wiggle Warrior® Week, classroom teachers can opt into monthly video lessons to help kids reframe their stress. Here are some introductory videos:


Weekly Activities

We know every minute counts in a classroom, so our activities are short, fun, and easy to add to a morning meeting.

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Practice Wiggling & Breathing

Body-based movement and breathing activities are introduced by Grammy-nominated musician & actress Jessica DeShong. Here are some trauma-informed wiggles to use as a classroom break:


Monthly Themes

At the beginning of each month, classroom teachers will be emailed themed activities to share with students on a weekly basis.

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Month 1

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Month 2

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Month 3

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Month 4

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Month 5

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Month 6

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Month 7

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Month 8

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Month 9

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Month 10

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Kids Love The Program

Kids Love It!


Administrators Love The Impact

Administrator Feedback


"This was by far the most successful school climate initiative I have ever introduced to my building. I have never had such positive feedback from parents, students and staff members." - Melissa Swanson, Wilcoxson Elementary School


"I just want to say THANK YOU for creating such a powerful program! It has been amazing to watch the students and staff respond so positively and whole-heartedly to looking for the good each day. " Lori Stuart at Four Seasons Elementary School

"This was by far the most successful school climate initiative I have ever introduced to my building. I have never had such positive feedback from parents, students and staff members." - Melissa Swanson, Wilcoxson Elementary School


"I just want to say THANK YOU for creating such a  powerful program! It has been amazing to watch the students and staff respond so positively and whole-heartedly to looking for the good each day. " Lori Stuart at Four Seasons Elementary School

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Carolyn McBride Writes:

This program has been instrumental in fostering a school culture of gratitude among students, staff, and families. Not only has this  program made such a positive impact in our school, it has been such a highlight for me to see our students take on the role of ambassadors where they helped to organize the Look for the Good assembly, presented the emotional literacy videos, and taught students how to turn their 'stress into strength'.
With the inclusion of the Wiggle Warrior Week and the Emotional Literacy videos, students have been better able to express their emotions in healthy ways and navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and self-awareness. We have witnessed a significant shift in the overall atmosphere within our school by encouraging students to actively seek out the good in themselves and others. All of the components of the Look for the Good Program have helped to empower our students to overcome obstacles and thrive in both their academic and personal lives.
Learn More About Our Mission
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Former US President

George HW Bush

Your efforts are a remarkable example of the generosity and compassion that make our communities stronger.

(Statement from 2015)

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Superior Court Judge

Kevin S. Russo

These resources are a terrific example of the importance of communicating emotions that young children struggle with – resources that, at one time, were frowned upon. Core subjects such as English and Math will always be at the center of a grade school curriculum, but emotional literacy transcends grades and creates life skills.

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Zoe Schwab, 20 Year Old Program Alum

If you are thinking of bringing the Look for the Good Program to your school, definitely try it. Not only will it help make your community stronger and more resilient, but you'll be creating positive memories and connections that will last a lifetime.

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Why It Works

Our community-care program encourages people to focus on glimmers, which are tiny moments of nervous system regulation which remind you that you're strong enough to handle whatever stressful experience is in front of you. Glimmers are absolutely critical in trauma therapy and trauma-informed community care because they establish emotional safety and a readiness for learning. This is why the Look for the Good Project has been helping people focus on glimmers since 2011.

The Science of Gratitude

Meet the Look for the Good® & Wiggle Warrior® Creator

Anne Kubitsky is the Founder & CEO of Look for the Good Project, Inc. She holds a dual degree in biology and philosophy from Smith College, with undergraduate and graduate training in graphic design, illustration, and art education. As an independent artist, Anne has created many books and educational videos which she has donated to our organization. Her creative content has brought healing to many, including herself and her family.

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